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The Answer is...

I believe things happen for a reason. That there is a lesson to be learned from mostly if not everything that happens in your life. Some lessons you can see crystal clear, some are hard to figure out. Some you may never figure out.

A little over a month ago I was in a serious car accident. It was hands down the scariest moment of my life. I pass by car accidents all the time and say a silent prayer for those involved and drive on to my destination. I never really think about it could be me.

However, on April 8th between 11:30 and 12:00 it was me. Nothing was abnormal about that day, except for me being off from work (which I’m normally not). I was driving with my sister and my niece, looking for apartments. I was stopping at a red light going straight then I decided to get in the turning lane to go left. I wanted to check out some apartments down that particular street. I turned on the street and I remember laughing and talking to my sister. I remember a lady walking down the side walk on the opposite side of the street. Then I remember seeing a car coming into the street, me hitting my horn and then my car getting hit. I could hear my sister and my niece scream. I don’t think I made a sound. In my head I couldn’t believe this was happening. The car flips my windshield shatters, the care flips again. I don’t hear anymore screaming just sounds of glass shattering and scrapping of metal. I guess normal crash sounds. The car lands upright facing what would have been oncoming traffic (Thank God there were no cars heading our direction). To make a long story short. We were okay. We had some bumps and bruises but we were spared from what could have ended very badly.

After the accident the tone in my house was really quiet and mellow. I don’t know I think we were all in shock, so we just didn’t what to say. I however immediately went to my “Why Mode”. Literally a thousand questions went through my mind. How did this happen? Why were we able to walk away? Was this accident supposed to bring us closer as a family? Is this accident a sign? Am I supposed to be changed in some why? What do I next?............... ??????????????????????????????????????????

After weeks of feeling guilty because I was the one driving. Weeks of driving like Miss Daisy because of being afraid that I am going to be in another accident. Just dealing with the aftermath of it all. I finally got the answer to all my questions.

The answer is… There is no answer. Things happen and in most cases there is no rhyme or reason. I don’t have to understand it nor do I have to figure it out. The only thing I have to do is get up. Keep Moving. Keep Living. Stop feeling guilty. Stop waiting on something else to happen.

Life will throw us curve balls, that is an absolute guarantee. At some point you will get hit by one of them. But you can’t stay down, you have to get up, dust off and keep living. Every time you’re hit just keep getting back up. You will go through your period of being in shock, questioning why and feeling guilty, depending on your situation. It’s important that you get back to being yourself.

I had to stop trying to figure things out “the whys” and find the blessing in what happened. God’s covering was there and we survived. He’s not done with me yet. I still have work to do. That’s what’s important and that is what I need to focus on. I don’t have to understand anything else.

Job 5:9 “He Performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”

Until Next Time… Wishing You All Things Fabulous!

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